It seems as tho the universe is bringing me the things and people I need in my life to help make this movie happen...Very Exciting...The Power of Positive Thinking...You've got to Love it...Thank You to All of those who both Believe in Me and in this Project.

Have a Blessed Day!
I have been doing research and asking for as much advice as possible from those I admire and trust. Things are coming together nicely but there is still a long way to go. I know that this movie is meant to be seen so I continue to Believe that Everything Happens for a reason; that things will continue to go according to the plan that the Universe has set out for me and those who are coming along with me on this Amazing Journey...

To those who have Always Believed in Me  I THANK YOU More than you can possibly imagine!
I would like to personally thank the following actors for reading the following roles at the Table Reading on Sunday April 29, 2012-
Jason Lanzar Rivera -     "Daniel"
Athena Colon -              "Rose"
Joan Dieter -                  "Rebecca"
Trent Miller -                "Santos"
Marcus Reynnolds -        "Charlie"
Alicia Llaves -               "Marlene"
Lilly Veronica Chevere - "Lilly"
Karina Marene Lascano - "Karina"

Sofia Rodriguez - She was the Narrator

Thank you ALL for being a Part of this Journey, for your Energy, and for your Feedback!!!
I had the most Amazing Experience this past was the First Table Reading for "Blindly Bound". I had four of my Cast Members (they will be posted up soon!) as well as some great actors reading the un-cast parts. It was Amazing to hear my words spoken through these great was Very Humbling...I am very Grateful...This Story WILL be told... I Believe in it...and others do as well....I can't stop smiling and knowing that this project is on it's way...Stay Tuned
I just booked a room for my First Table Reading this Sunday! I'm Really Excited!!!
Hello All,
It has been over a year and life has thrown some curve balls my way which made me put "Blindly Bound" on the back burner, however, it's a new year and it is time for my movie to be made. The universe is putting things in place and I look forward to seeing my script come to life on the screen.

Stay tuned for Updates!
Today begins my journey.

A month from today, God willing, I will be shooting the trailer for BLINDLY BOUND, my First Movie as a Director. I have had experience Directing before but nothing on this type of scale, and nothing this personal.

I find it fitting that today, Thursday, March 17, 2011 is the day I started this web page for my film because it is the Anniversary of my Uncle's death. His death was a Huge lesson for me in life to Not to put things off because you Never know if you will have that opportunity again. You see, I hadn't seen my Uncle in the hospital for a couple of weeks, however, I was on my way to my boyfriends house when my mother turned to me and said, "Lillybeth, if you can go spend time with your boyfriend, you can Make time to see your sick Uncle who is in the hospital on the way to your boyfriends house." I fussed a bit, because at the time I was  a teenager, and then I finally gave in. The truth was I was so used to seeing my Uncle strong that I was scared to see him sick and weak. I thank God that I listened to my mother because my Uncle died that night. Had I not gone to visit him it would haunt me to this day that I had the opportunity but didn't take it. I'm blessed that I got the chance to hug him and tell him I loved him and that I would be the First Person in our family to finish High School. I will never forget the look he gave me when he said, "Chispi, I'm so proud of you." That will Always be with me.

I say to you all, Do Not Put Off What You Know in Your Heart is Right and what You Should be doing in your Life. You really just Never know if you'll have that opportunity again,  take the chance.

So, in Honor of my Uncle Felix, I'm No longer putting off what I know I need to do and that is make this film by any means necessary.

Thank you all, and don't let situations make you feel Blindly Bound. Open your Eyes and Break Free.
